List of buildings for fantasy towns
I asked for some help on Twitter to come up with ideas for the random town generator I'm working on for Here Be Taverns. The community's responses were so creative and helpful, that I decided to put them together for easier sharing.

I asked for some help on Twitter to come up with ideas for the random town generator I'm working on for Here Be Taverns.
The community's responses were so creative and helpful, that I decided to put them together for easier sharing.
You can see all the ideas on this Google spreadsheet.
You can download them as JSON in this Github repo.
You can read them all right here. Enjoy!
Check out my Fantasy Building Generator, complete with detailed NPCs. If you like this list, you'll love the generator!
List of Fantasy Town Buildings
- abattoir
- academy
- adventurer's guild
- alarm beacon
- alchemist
- amphitheater
- ancient park
- antiquarian
- antique store
- apiary
- apothecary
- aquarium
- aqueduct
- armory
- art gallery
- auction house
- aviary
- bakery
- bank
- barber
- barracks
- bathhouse
- bazaar
- beer garden
- boathouse
- book store
- bookbinder
- brothel
- building with no windows and a barricaded door
- butcher
- buttercross
- cabbage vendor
- candlestick maker
- carpenter
- cartographer
- cartwright
- chapel
- chariot track
- church
- cistern
- city jail
- clerk's office
- clothing shop
- cobbler
- coffee house
- coffee shop
- coffin maker
- coliseum
- community building
- constabulary
- cooperage
- council chamber
- court house
- crypt
- culvert repair
- dayspa
- dentist
- department of horse-drawn vehicles
- dice hall
- dockhouse
- docks
- dog breeder
- dovecot
- druid hut
- dyer
- embassy
- exorcist
- falconer
- farmer's market
- farrier
- fence
- fighting arena
- fighting pit
- fine clothing shop
- flax retter
- fletcher
- flour mill
- fortune teller
- fuller
- furrier
- gallows
- garrison
- gatehouse
- general store
- gong scourers
- graveyard
- greenhouses
- grist mill
- guard post
- guildhall
- gymnasium
- haberdashery
- harbour
- haunted hotel
- haunted house
- herbalist
- herbolary
- hermit hovel
- hermitage
- horse-trader
- hospice
- hospital
- house for sale
- inn
- ironmonger
- jail
- jeweler
- leatherworker
- library
- livery yard
- locksmith
- longhouse
- magical tailor
- mail courier
- manor house
- marina
- market
- market square
- market stall
- mayor's house
- mead hall
- mercery
- miller
- mint
- monastery
- money changer
- money exchange
- morgue
- music shop
- nightsoil collectors
- offices
- orphanage
- outhouse
- paper maker
- parsonage
- pavillion
- pawn shop
- pet shop
- philosopher's forum
- philosopher's garden
- phrenologist
- plague pit
- plaza
- plumbing specialist
- port
- potion shop
- potter
- printmaker
- prison
- pub
- public baths
- public house
- public square
- quest board
- refinery
- residence
- restricted zone
- ropemaker
- salon
- sawmill
- schoolhouse
- scribe
- seamster
- seamstress
- sewer entrance
- sheriff's office
- shrine
- silversmith
- snack shop
- speakeasy
- spice merchant
- sports stadium
- stables
- stockades
- stonemason
- street market
- tailor
- tannery
- tax collector
- tea house
- temple
- textile shop
- theatre
- thieves guild
- thrift store
- tinker's workshop
- town crier post
- town square
- townhall
- toy store
- trinket shop
- undertaker
- villa
- warehouse
- water mill
- weaver
- well
- wet market
- wheel wright
- wind mill
- wizard tower
Check out my Fantasy Building Generator, complete with detailed NPCs. If you like this list, you'll love the generator!