Free preview of Ancora Bay - a fully realized RPG city I've got some loot for you today courtesy of my friends at Borough Bound. This is one of the most ambitious, and exciting projects I've seen.
One Homebrew. One Highlight. One Hack. Today I'm relaunching my TTRPG newsletter. The new format: One Homebrew, One Highlight, and One Hack.
My appearance on the Roll Play Grow Podcast I had the pleasure of appearing on the Roll Play Grow podcast by Lightheart Adventures. The host Courtney and I dove into the origins of my interest in gaming and how Sword & Source came to be.
1000 + 5 Monsters Today I am going to use 5 randomly generated monsters as writing prompts and present them to you.
Cloudy With A Chance Of Fireballs: A random spell generator for roleplaying soft-magick-ish OSR games I just launched a free random spell generator on Itch as part of the Generator Jam 2021 hosted by Long Games. This was my first time publishing on
Creatures of OSR For me, the OSR experience is nostalgia for a time that came before me. It is revelling in the freedom of certain death. It is a look at new things made old again, which in turn have been made new again. It feels archetypal. Strange yet so familiar.
List of buildings for fantasy towns I asked for some help on Twitter to come up with ideas for the random town generator I'm working on for Here Be Taverns. The community's responses were so creative and helpful, that I decided to put them together for easier sharing.
The Quickstart Guide to Game Mastering is live! After 100+ hours of work, Sword & Source is proud to present The Quickstart Guide to Game Mastering. It is a project dedicated to helping more players take their first step into running the game.
Crash The System: A rules-lite cyberpunk RPG Crash The System is a rules-lite cyberpunk RPG designed for one-shots or short campaigns. It is a hack of Lasers & Feelings by John Harper.
The Path to Published: Part III - Finding TTRPG Freelancers This is Part III of a series about publishing my first TTRPG supplements.